(+34) 985 96 32 95 jangel@jangelalvarez.com

Corporative and Trade


Corporative and Trade

  • Previous analysis: study prior to the formalization of commercial operations.
  • Development: execution of all those operations projected by the company that could have a direct or indirect impact on the tax field.
  • Advice on carrying out corporate operations that have a tax impact: (related-party operations … etc).
  • Secretary and support in Boards of Directors.
  • Intervention in the field of corporate operations: company valuations, asset acquisition and purchase operations, preparation of Due-diligences… etc.
  • Business restructuring: advice on the structuring, formalization and execution of all types of corporate restructuring, and group restructuring, through commercial operations of all kinds (fusions, splits, contributions or sales of branches of business or activity, … etc).
  • Study, adaptation and application: to accounting standards and constant regulatory changes in this regard.
  • Analysis of the annual accounts: from the financial and corporate point of view, with a view to their correct presentation.

Fiscal and Tax

Corporative and Trade


Special operations


Engineering and Metallurgy Industry

Renewable energy


Real estate


Transport and machinery



Tourism and hotels

Health and insurance

Cosmetic industry


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